Sunday, 26 August 2012

25/6/2012 - Reflections

Perhaps it is strange to write reflections of a previous trip while in the middle of a different one but whilst on this current journey (in Turkey) my mind kept wandering back to and making comparisons with south America. So maybe now is not such a bad time.

When I think back, I am conscious of how it is all too easy to white-wash memories of travelling. Honestly, although my blog probably doesn't reflect it, I remember the times I felt like crap and had no idea why I was seemingly purposelessly travelling in a foreign continent so far away from home, as much as I remember the times I felt inspired by the people I met, ecstatic about the things I saw and exhilarated by the experiences I had. But I think the point is, I remember them all. More so than any other period of my life, I can recount those 6 months with strikingly clarity. The solo wanderings through Quito which left me haplessly out of breath, the small snippets of conversation about existential angst I had with Mexican Victoria in Siete Angelitos bar in Cuzco, the taste of the ice-cold beer that our guide fetched me and Vova as we waited in the pouring rain after the Roraima trek. It's all so vivid. Is that what travelling is all about? Memories that are branded onto your mind so that even a slight reminder produces a detailed picture of a time and place. And that feeling of “I was there, I did that” is absolutely delicious.

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